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Musical Elixir: Depression and Fear


$19.6951% off

In this Musical Elixir the music of JS Bach is overlaid with the healing tone of 396 hz. This tone is associated with the first note of the ancient scale named ‘ut’ in the Latin. We know it in our Western culture as ‘do’. (do, re, mi,fa, sol, etc…).

The first tone of the scale ‘ut’ had not only a specific sound, but a specific spiritual purpose of liberation and breaking the chains of fear.

I recommend listening to this Elixir whenever possible, including in the background as your drive or while doing work. It is especially effective to use while you sleep at low volume.

The music of JS Bach has a purity and complexity to it that is unmatched. Did you know that whales will swim for hundreds of miles to congregate next to underwater speakers that play the music of Bach. Incidentally, it is only Bach’s music that solicits this type of response.

Be blessed by this special Elixir to help lift the cloud of depression.

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