The job of a piano tuner and technician involves much detail, precision and repetition.
This practice of 'micro focus' or living a 'high res life' creates an environment of excellence that bleeds into other areas of life like food, cooking, researching--even making the 'perfect cappuccino'.
In today's episode, Part 2 of 2 we explore the topics:
-Why Marc calls himself 'a liar' and how piano tuning comes down to concealing a bunch of little lies.
-Creating your personal 'sound archetype' for your sonic environment.
-The difference between 'noise' and 'signal' and how this affects you from inside-out.
-How to bring a 'high-res' approach to everyday tasks for increased joy and discovery.
It's not everyday that a novel is written about a piano tuner. And yet, a book about a piano obsession turned into a NYT bestseller and it features our guest, Marc Wienert.
The reason is that piano tuning is much more than the sum of its parts. Marc Wienert brings a holistic mind, spirit and aesthetic approach to his craft. His musings about the world of piano and beyond will open up portals of discovery.
I hope you enjoy this conclusion of a conversation with a fascinating man as we close Season One of the podcast.
Season Two coming soon!
In this episode of Music to Compose You, I am thrilled to have renowned piano technician and tuner Marc Wienert on the broadcast.
It's not everyday that a novel is written about a piano tuner. And yet, a book about a piano obsession turned into a NYT bestseller and it features our guest, Marc Wienert.
The reason is that piano tuning is much more than the sum of its parts. Marc Wienert brings a holistic mind, spirit and aesthetic approach to his craft. His musings about the world of piano and beyond will open up portals of discovery.
In today's episode, Part 1 of 2, we talk about:
- How Marc pivoted from composing music to a life where the piano became center stage.
- His approach tuning pianos to pitches outside the norm and the effects in body, mind and spirit.
-Why "Pythagorus set the goal posts" and how Marc applies ancient wisdom to his craft.
-Marc shares two experiences that were transformational to his getting to the highest level of his mastery.
-Why the 'good stuff' really doesn't happen until you reach a high point of excellence (98-99.8%) in tuning and beyond...
-Alignments, attitude, architypes
-What is with the Steinway sound?
-Why vibration is the 'brick and mortar' of the universe...
And so much more!
Don't miss today's foray into an extraordinary mind and meeting with the incredible Marc Wienert.
In today’s we explore Beethoven’s serenely peaceful 2nd movement from his Appassionata Sonata, Op. 57
It is the eerily calm centerpiece flanked by two tempestuous outer movements.
In some ways, it is the eye of the hurricane, a place of crystalline calm amidst the terror of the darkness.The music asks:
Where is your peace found?
We will explore this theme in a kaleidoscope of reference points, ranging from Rembrandt’s masterful painting, ‘Calming the Storm’ to exploring the new science around heart coherence.
Highlights in this episode:
Why do some people stay the course to accomplish great things and others falter?
What is that indefinable quality that keeps high achievers going no matter what obstacles in the path?
You might think that it’s because of their talent or special qualities, but what if the answer is more basic than we think?
Today we will dive into GRIT: The perseverance it takes to stay the course.
And to do that we will take a trip to the woods to learn the secret of Grit from natures majestic survivors, trees.
Beethoven, the classic hero also has much to teach about GRIT…
What did he know?
I will also take you into my practice studio as I roll up my sleeves and exercise grit through a perilous practice session at the piano as I get ready to record the Appassionata Sonata.
You haven't heard Beethoven like this....
Rocky Balboa meets Ludvig von Beethoven in a metaphorical ring of drama, suspense and heroic struggle.
Leonard Bernstein said "Music...can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable"
But metaphor can also be used to help us understand complex music in a fresh way.
Words can only go so far...
Especially when it comes to describing the experience of great music.
So how about using another vehicle of expression, one that we can relate to on an emotional level?
On today's podcast we take to the piano (you can watch on YouTube for the video version which includes clips from the film).
We overlay Beethoven's Appassionata Sonata 1st movement side by side with the film Rocky starring Sylvester Stallone.
What emerges is a fascinating revelation of what is 'under the hood'.
Yes, both Balboa's and Beethoven's template is the same.
It's known as the Hero's Journey, the quintessential model for great Hollywood films, novels and compelling stories.
And now...we see and hear it at work in the compositional process of Beethoven.
Join me for a frolic in film and music.
I guarantee you will never hear Beethoven the same way again.
We’ve all heard Beethoven is a great composer…
But what makes it great?After all, he uses the same 12 notes as all composers do.But yet…he does in an altogether different way.So unique.
So Bold.
What makes Beethoven’s music TRANSCEND into another dimension of energy, perfection and art allowing it to be a vehicle for WISDOM and PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION?
What is this language of music that opens the door to higher states of being and how can we understand its code?
In this episode, Part 3 of the “A Passion for Life Series” Elevating Above the Ordinary Like Beethoven we will go to the piano and cover:
-We will be at the piano today with a lot of demo’s of music and excerpts.
I hope you enjoy it and I can't wait to hear how the ‘Law of Affections’ made you feel after listening.
Music can change the world because it can change people". Bono
But how can it do that? What is this language of music that speaks to people universally and what does it actually mean?
In this episode, from the “A Passion for Life Series” Elevating Above the Ordinary Like Beethoven we will go to the piano and cover:
Today, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, exploring the concept of self-actualization through the lens of one of history's most iconic figures: Ludwig van Beethoven.
Just as Beethoven transcended the boundaries of classical music to express his innermost thoughts and emotions, we too can aspire to reach our fullest potential and become the truest versions of ourselves.
Here’s what we’ll be convering in today’s episode:
We are at a tipping point my friends…
With fMRI imaging and doctors seeing in real time what happens to the brain when engaged with music the time has come to listen deeper, intentionally and with a targeted purpose.
And I’m here to guide you through the fascinating, exhilarating and mysteriously powerful world of sound.
In today’s Introductory episode we’ll talk about:
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